Dravidian University Address

Dravidian University
Among the world’s language families the Dravidian family of languages enjoys a special place of distinction with an ancient origin and a continuation of a greater civilization. The Dravidian family of languages comprises 27 languages spread across the entire India and Beluchistan.  All of them have contributed to the oneness of the rich mosaic of Indian culture.  The major languages are; Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam. 
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An Institution with Distinct Character
Fulfilling the long felt intellectual call for a national institution to conduct study and research both at home and abroad  in these  ancient languages and to  promote a greater sense of fraternity and spirit of integration among the speakers of the major Dravidian languages in the South the Government of Andhra Pradesh has benevolently come forward to establish Dravidian University through a Legislative Act in October 1997 involving the support of the other Southern States, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. It is located at a trilingual junction at Kuppam, Chittor Dstrict in the South-Western tip of A.P, which is only 4 kms away from Karnataka, 8 kms from Tamil Nadu and of course very close to Kerala border, which is less than 4.5 hrs drive.  The principle objective of the establishment of the Dravidian University is to promote integrated studies on the common heritage of the Dravidian speakers facilitating a strong perception of oneness among them. 

Dravidian University,Kuppam
KUPPAM - 517 425, 
INDIA TEL: +91-8570-278220,
FAX: +91-8570-278230

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