Siod kanhu Murmu University Dumka Contact details & address

Situated in the tribal dominated area of Santal Parganas and with its headquarters at Dumka, the second capital of Jharkhand, Siddhu Kanhu University (SKU), now known as Sido Kanhu Murmu University (SKMU), was established with effect from 10th January, 1992 by an Act of Bihar Legislative Assembly published in the Bihar Gazette (Ext. Ord.) dated 05 March, 1992. [Ref. Bihar Universities (Amendment) Act 1991 Bihar Act, 1992] The university has been named as "Sido Kanhu Murmu University" (SKMU) by an amendment made in the section 3(1) of the Jharkhand State Universities Act 2000 (Amendment) vide Notification No. LG - 16/2002 - 15/Leg. dated 06.05.2003 published in the Jharkhand Gazette (Ext. Ordinary Edn.).
It was carved out from Bhagalpur University now known as Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University. The university was recognized by and affiliated to the Association of Indian Universities vide its letter no. Meet/67 - AM/93/20588 dated 06.05.1993. It was granted recognition under Section 12 (B) of the UGC Act, 1956 in May, 2007.

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