Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research

The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh was conceived in 1960 as a center of excellence which would endeavour to develop patterns of teaching in postgraduate medical education in as many branches as possible and attempt to produce specialists in several disciplines of medicine. It was also envisaged that these specialists would spread out in the country in various medical colleges and medical institutions and impart medical education of highest standard to the students and set up nucleus of excellence in their own institutions.  The PGIMER was also given the responsibility to broaden the horizons of medical knowledge by intensive research in the field of health. 

                                  Prime Minister Pt.Jawahar Lal Nehru inaugurating the 
                                                   Nehru Hospital on 7th July 1963

                                            Mission Statement

Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,  Chandigarh was mandated to
1. Provide high quality Patient care.
2. Attain Self-Sufficiency in postgraduate medical education and to meet the country’s need for highly Qualified medical teachers in all medical and surgical disciplines.
3.  Provide Educational facilities for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity.
4.  Undertake Basic Community based research.
The mission of PGI is engraved in its logo which reads    meaning "Service to the Community, Care of the Needy and Research for the Good of all".

Dr. Meenu Singh
Officer-Incharge Website
PGIMER,Sector-12, Chandigarh,Pin- 160 012, India
Phone: EPBAX: 0091-172-2746018,2756565,2747585, Fax: 0091-172-2744401, 2745078

For Admission/ Training related queries call at 0091-172-2755569,2756565

Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research
Sector-12, Chandigarh PIN- 160 012, INDIA.
Phone: EPBAX: 0091-172-2747589-91, 2747585
 Fax: 0091-172-2744401, 2745078

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