Punjab Universit Contact details & address

Mission of the University

"The University has been incorporated for the purpose, among others, of making provision for imparting education in Arts, Letters, Science and the learned professions and of furthering advancement of learning, the prosecution of original research, with power to appoint University Professors, Readers and Lecturers, to hold and manage educational endowments, to erect, equip and maintain University colleges, libraries, laboratories and museums, to making regulations relating to the residence and conduct of students and to do all such acts as tend to promote study and research". PU Profile...

About Senate, Syndicate - Panjab University Administration

Panjab University Senate (PU Calender Volume 1)

The Senate shall have the entire management of, and superintendence over the affairs, concerns and property of the University and shall provide for that management, and exercise that superintendence in accordance 'with the statutes, rules and regulations for the time being in force.

Important Contacts

DesignationEmail AddressTelephone
Single Window Enquiry (Main Enqiry, Aruna Ranjit Chandra Hall, Near Post Office [Old UIET Building])1800-180-2065, 1800-180-2064, 1800-180-2041
Vice-Chancellorvc@pu.ac.in2534299, 2534297, 2534293
Dean University Instructionsdui@pu.ac.in2534292, 2534291, 2534290
Registrarregr@pu.ac.in2534867, 2534868
Controller of Examinationcoe@pu.ac.in2534813, 2534814, 2534811
Dean Student Welfaredsw@pu.ac.in2534565, 2541596
Dean Student Welfare (Women)2541596, 2534565
Librarianlibrarian@pu.ac.in2548159, 2534551
Chief Medical Officer
Public Relations (D.P.R.)dpr@pu.ac.in2541054, 2534865
Dean College Development Councildcdc@pu.ac.in2541943, 2534887
Dean International Studentsdis@pu.ac.in2541873, 2534574
Dean Alumni Relationsdarpu@pu.ac.in2541881, 2534575
Director, Computer Centredirectorcc@pu.ac.in2534064
Deputy Registrar (General)2534857
Deputy Registrar (Colleges)2534805
Deputy Registrar (Secrecy)2534877
Assistant Registrar (Conduct)2534809
Assistant Registrar (Registration & Stores)2534869
Website Managementwebman@pu.ac.in

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