Anand Agricultural University (AAU), Anand

The Anand Agricultural University came into existence with effect from 1st May, 2004 by enactment of Gujarat Agricultural University Act, 2004 (Gujarat Act., No.5 of 2004).
Even before the idea of rural university was mooted by the Radha Krishnan Commission the foundation of a rural education and research institute for training of farmers' sons was laid in Anand by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Iron Man of India far back as in 1936. His dream later on took a shape in 1940 as the Institute of Agriculture, Anand with active cooperation of Dr. K. M. Munshi, the co-author of the Indian Constitution.


Anand Agricultural University (AAU) was established this year at Anand with the support of the Government of Gujarat ,Act No.(Guj 5 of 2004) dated April 29,2004. Caved out of the erstwhile Gujarat Agricultural University (GAU), the dream institution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Dr. K.M.Munshi, the AAU was set up to provide support to the farming community in three facets namely education, research and extension activities in Agriculture, Horticulture Engineering, product Processing and Home Science. At Present there Seven Colleges, Seventeen Research Centers and Six Extension Education Institute working in six districts of Gujrat namely Ahmedabad, Anand, Dahod, Kheda,Panchmahal and Voadodra.
         AAU's activities have expanded to span newer commodity sectors such as soil health card, bio-diesel, medicinal plants apart from the mandatory ones like rice, maize.tobacco,vegetable crops, fruit crops, forage crops, animal breeding, nutrition and dairy products etc. the core of AAU's operating philosophy however, continues to create the partnership between the rural people and comitted acdemic as the basic for sustainable rural development. Inpursuing its various programmes AAU's overall mision is to promote continues process of development of susstainable growth and economics independence in rural society. AAU aims to do this through education, research and extension education. Thus, AAU works towards the empowerment of the farmers.

Contact Us

University Bhavan,
Anand Agricultural University,
Anand : 388110.
Gujarat (INDIA) .
(Office) +91-2692-261310
Fax: +91-2692-261310

Web Administrator:
Director - IT
Information Technology Center,
University Bhavan,
Anand Agricultural University,
Anand : 388110.
Gujarat (INDIA) .

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