Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya Contact details & address

About BPS

The University holds the distinction of being the first Women University in North India.
The first Academic Session of the University commenced in August 2007 and since then the University has progressed by leaps and bounds. The University, already recognized under Section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956  became the quickest University to get recognition under Section 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956.
Established in the rural heartland of Haryana, the University aims at women emancipation and empowerment by educating them. the motto of the University, written below its logo, reflects the same:Empowering Women with Education. The Logo of the University shows women radiating energy and life. The University aims at producing contributing members who shall go on to make a positive effect on the society and this is what the logo indicates.
The University, ever since its conception, has set the highest standards of excellence and quality which go hand in hand with the dream and vision that the University sports. 
To ensure that the University achieves what it has aimed for, the Infrastructure has been a special emphasis in this initial phase. The University has an existing campus sprawling over 185 acres and a proposal to acquire 450 acres of more land promises a world class infrastructure in the University. The proposed direct road connectivity with the National Highway no.1 (Sher Shah Suri Marg) will substantially reduce its distance from Delhi. The University has various Institutions running, a Central Library, hostels for the students and Faculty houses for the Lecturers. New Institutions and Teaching blocks for the existing and proposed new courses with the latest infrastructure, hostels, modern Faculty Houses and Staff Houses are coming up fast. Apart from this, a new Central Library with all the modern facilities, Auditoriums for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and indoor and outdoor stadiums for sports activities are proposed in the next phase of construction which will cater to the demands of about 10000 students. In addition to all this, realizing the importance of Computer Literacy in the Modern scenario of today, the University will start Computer Training Programmes for all its students from the coming Academic Session.

About five thousand students, already enrolled, with the various colleges of the university are getting education and training in professional courses like BAMS, B. Ed, D. Ed, Diploma in Electronics and Communication, Computer Engineering, Pharmacy, Library and Information Science, MLT, IT and Modern Office Practice. Five year and three year LLB courses are imparted at PSD Girls Law College. To crown all these efforts are the Learning Resource Centres in the University which train all the students, irrespective of their professional field, in English.

The Learning Resource Centres, the only ones of their kind in India, concentrate on making the students fluent and confident in English. Faculty of the University and the Faculty to be selected for all the proposed Courses is and will be one of the best available in the respective fields. The Faculty is provided with attractive remuneration, opportunities for professional growth, community interaction and modern infrastructure to help them attain academic excellence in their professional field.

Contact Us

B.P.S. Mahila Vishwavidyalaya

Khanpur Kalan, Haryana
Pin-  131305

Contact Details of the Administrative Block

Vice-Chancellor’s Office
P.S. to the Vice-ChancellorSh. Dalbir Singh01263-283013
SuperintendentMr. Rajesh Kumar01263-283111
AssistantRaj Singh01263-283001
ClerkMr. Vinod01263-283111
Pro-Vice-Chancellor ’s Office
AssistantSh. Ishwar Singh01263-283002
Registrar’s Office
P.A. to the RegistrarMr. Kuldeep Singh01263283038
Establishment (Teaching and Non-teaching), Academic Branch, Purchase, RTI/General Branch 01263-283003
Asstt. Registrar (RTI/Transport)Mr. K.K. Dhaka   Ph. 01263-283060
Asstt. Registrar (Gen. Branch & P&S Branch)Sh. Sanjeev Joshi    Ph.: 01263-238061
Asst. Registrar (Establishment Branch Academic/ Teaching)Sh. A.N. Sharma    Ph. 01263-283003
Superintendent (Establishment -Teaching)Sh. Samunder Singh
Assistant   (Academic/ Teaching)Mr. Parveen Kumar
Assistant   (RTI)Mr. Anil Kumar
Superintendent    (Non-teaching Establishment)Mr. Mahipal
Assistant   (Teaching Establishment)Mr. Parveen Kumar
Assistant   (General Branch)Ms. Manju
Examination Branch           01263-283679
COEDr. R.C. Nautiyal
SupdtSh. Suresh Kumar
AssistantMr. Chandi Ram
ClerkSmt. Savita
Accounts                               01263-283209
Finance OfficerSh. . R. K. Jain
SupdtSh. Ashok Kumar Saini
AccountantSh. Ajay Kumar Thakur
AccountantSh. Dharambir Singh Siwach
AssistantMr. Anand Singh
AssistantMrs. Geeta Mor
Accounts clerkMrs. Geeta

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