Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Contact details & address

Campus Placement

Welcome to the Placement Website of IIIT-Delhi. IIIT-Delhi is a young institute leading in education and research relevant to the current technologies and needs of industry. Our graduates have the best combination of strong technical background with excellent soft skills. The Training & Placement office is responsible for arranging campus placement for them as well as (summer) internships during the course of their study. The T&P Office also assists in arranging pre-placement talks, written tests, group discussions, and interviews with the companies.
For any assistance for visiting IIITD for placement (including internship), please contact :
Placement faculty in-charge, Dr. Ashish Surekha (Email: or
T&P Manager, Ms. Anuradha Sen (Email:, Mobile No 9818783385)

Some information for campus recruitment this year:

  • Graduating Batch Size. BTech (CSE): 53, MTech (CSE): 33 (Specializations: Information Security, Data Engineering). Of these 41% are Females.
  • Placement policy. Companies are grouped in "Dream", "A+" and "A". A student getting a job in one category, can only apply for companies in the higher category. Full policy and code of conduct for students is available here.
  • Campus placement process. Companies can fill and send the Job Notification Form to the T&P manager on email, and then arrange for a campus visit.

Some highlights about IIITD:

  • Education. Our education programs are as good as any Tier I institution in the country. A highly respected academic has rated our BTech(CSE) program next only to that of IIT in CS/IT in Delhi region in an article in HT.  Another respected academic from IITK has ranked IIIT-D's program next only to IIIT-Hyd, outside of IITs. More about the program... Details about the programs: BTech (CSE), and MTech (CSE).
  • Last Year Placement. Companies like Adobe, Citrix, Google, IBM Research, Informatica, Infosys Labs, KPMG, Microsoft, Opera Solutions, PayPal, TCS Research visited. Avg of over Rs 8 Lac/yr; highest Indian Salary: 16.5 Lacs/yr. More info on last year placement -Statistics 2011-12.
  • Faculty. All PhD faculty, comparable to IITs in quality. 25 Full-Time Faculty, with appx two-thirds having PhD from USA or Europe.More..
  • Research.  IIITD is a research-led institution. Its faculty and students have won several Best paper and poster awards in international conferences. Faculty members have sponsored projects from agencies like DST, DIT, Indo-US foundation, Microsoft, SAP, etc. Many PhD students have received PhD Fellowships like TCS, IBM, etc. Main areas of research are: Information Management & Analytics, Security, Mobile Computing, Biometrics, Software Engineering.  

Contact Us

Postal Address
Okhla Industrial Estate,Phase III
(Near Govind Puri Metro Station)
New Delhi, India - 110020

Directions to the campus are given below.
Phone No: 91-11-26907400-7404 (5 lines)
Fax:          91-11-26907405

Email Addresses

Director's Office
A-501, Faculty & Research Building
Okhla Industrial Estate,Phase III
(Near Govind Puri Metro Station)
New Delhi, India - 110020

Phone No: 91-11-26907480
Fax:          91-11-26907410

Directions to Campus

IIIT-Delhi campus is located in Okhla, near Nehru Place, New Delhi.
To reach there,
  • Get to Govind Puri Metro station (Violet line), which is near Nehru Place/ Kalkaji.
  • Take the road along the outside boundary of Banarasidas Chandiwala Eye Institute.
  • After about 300 m, there will be a 'Y' - take the left road of the 'Y'.
  • Enter G.B.Pant Polytechnic college main gate.
  • IIIT-Delhi gate is ahead, follow directions to enter the campus and reach academic building.

Until July 2012, IIIT-Delhi operated from a transit campus which was located on the 3rd Floor, Library Building, NSIT Campus, Dwarka.

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