ITM University Contact details & address

ITM University is a multidisciplinary university known for its quality of research and teaching across the academic spectrum, with subjects spanning the sciences, engineering, management, fine arts, social sciences, arts, nursing etc.
It has been at the forefront of learning, teaching and research and leader in many different fields in its educational endeavour. In a relatively short-time span it has created an image for its excellence as an institution of higher learning through outstanding teaching and world-class research so as to produce well-rounded graduates with lifelong abilities to provide leadership within the societies they serve. We have a well-deserved reputation for last 15 years for excellence, as demonstrated by host of educational institutions already operating under out flagship banner i.e., ITM Universe.
“ITM University-Gwalior”, is established by the Act of State Legislature, M.P. and is notified in the Official Gazette (extra-ordinary) of the State Government after having received the assent of His Excellency Governor of M.P. Who will be the Visitor of ITM University. “ITM University-Gwalior”, is sponsored by Samata Lok Sansthan, a registered charitable Trust. The Trust was successfully running various Institutions in discipline of Engg. Technology, Life Science, Computer Applications, Management, Nursing & Education etc for last 15 years enjoying the top ranking in the State & the Region. The flagship Institutions under ITM Group of Institution (known as ‘ITM Universe’ - brand name) like Institute of Technology & Management (ITM) & Institute of Allied Science and Computer Applications (IASCA) at Gwalior are NBA & NAAC accredited respectively.
“ITM University-Gwalior” Campus is a delight to see. One sees hundreds of original works of Art permanently displayed in common areas & monumental sculptures in marble, granite, mild steel or stainless steel in open areas. There is so much of world class curricular & extra curricular activities throughout the year that the city folks of the Region eagerly awaits for each event. The largest Amphitheatre of India at ITM Campus becomes witness to ever bubbling energies of youth. There is no barrier between students & higher authorities in this Campus. Each student expresses through ITM’s various clubs. In 165 Acres sprawling lush green environs of Vindhyachal ranges, the beautiful campus of ITM University is the most Happening & Happy campus in this part of India attracting Scholars, Nobel laureates, Artists, Heads of States & Top Corporates to mingle & interact with more than 9000 students of different streams.
Shaping Minds
We intend to offer a rich learning environment where outstanding students and scholars from around the world are continually challenged and inspired to do their best possible work. An atmosphere that thrives on free and open inquiry and literary criticism. Our programmes are being designed for its emphasis on critical thinking and broad interdisciplinary exposure to the full range of intellectual discovery. We look forward to break down artificial disciplinary barriers.
Creative Flexibility and Freedom
The university aims to provide its students with a rich and varied academic environment through choice based credit system, modular approach, cafeteria approach, multipoint entry and exit, industry based credits, students exchange etc., that ensures opportunities for both intellectual development and the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills. It is designed in a manner that offers students necessary competencies to face the challenges of the new economic world order. 
Networking with Industries and Research Institutions
At academic front we are offering academic programmes in cooperation with University of Staffordshire, UK and University of Greenwich, London, UK. We are making endeavours to further extend this network with other well recognized Universities of the globe in the domain of dual degree, research, training, student exchange, faculty exchange and placement of students. Additionally we are proud of our research linkages with well recognized labs of the country.
Industrial Interface 
ITM Univeristy has the highest footfalls of industrial leaders in central regions. More than 20 CEO’s visit every year to share their experiences. We have an enviable track record of highest number of placements in central regions. Since experts from industry are at our Board of Studies our curriculum have rich inputs from them which eventually helps in fine-tuning learning processes and shaping students. TCS, Infosys, HP, Wipro and HP are few flagship companies who are regularly visiting our campus.
High standards at the University are the result of both the learning opportunities offered and resources, experienced faculties, including rich libraries, museums, state-of-art laboratories and latest softwares. Our faculties have exposure to international learning systems and are defending their research at the best Universities of the globe. We are also coming out with international journals in many disciplines. We are also proud of our state-of-art laboratories, largest library in central region, well equipped class-rooms and large inventory of softwares. All combined offers an unparalleled learning environment.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Campus life will offer an endless feast to your mind. We offer a wealth of sporting and cultural activity at the University. Initiatives ensure that aspiring performers enrich their education with a high level of activity outside the lecture. Students beyond their classroom will have countless opportunities for involvement and extracurricular enjoyment.

I T M U n i v e r s i t y 
Opp. Sithouli Railway Station, NH-75 Sithouli, Jhansi Road, Gwalior - 475001, ( M.P. ), INDIA
Ph- +91-751-2432977, 2432989, 2432389, 2432390 Fax- +91-751-2432988 
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