1. History of Unix & Unix Structure
I. The Operating System
II. The File System
III. Unix Directories, Files and Inodes
IV. Unix Programs
2. Getting Started
I. Logging in
a) Terminal Type
b) Passwords
c) Exiting
d) Identity
II. Unix Command Line Structure
III. Control Keys
IV. stty - terminal control
V. Getting Help
VI. Directory Navigation and Control
a) pwd - print working directory
b) cd - change directory
c) mkdir - make a directory
d) rmdir - remove directory
e) ls - list directory contents
VII. File Maintenance Commands
a) cp - copy a file
b) mv - move a file
c) rm - remove a file
d) File Permissions
e) chmod - change file permissions
f) chown - change ownership
g) chgrp - change group
VIII. Display Commands
a) echo - echo a statement
b) cat - concatenate a file
c) more, less, and pg - page through a file
d) head - display the start of a file
e) tail - display the end of a file