Ganapat University, Mehsana Contact details & address

About University

Ganpat University was established on April 12, 2005 as a State Private University through enactment of Gujarat State Act no. 19 of 2005 and is recognised under section 2(f) of UGC Act. The university is a member of the Association of Inidan Universities (AIU), New Delhi. The noble initiative of Ganpat Univeristy is managed by the Mehsana District Education Foundation.
Located on a sprawling 300 acre lush green campus of Ganpat Vidyanagar, we, at Ganpat University are committed to continuous improvement and development of every individual and to produce the next generation of leaders and thinkers who make a difference in the world.
Our focus is on responding to the changing needs of business, industry and society and finding solutions to the global challenges of the 21st century.Keeping this aim in mind, we offer students a variety of disciplines to pursue their undergraduate and graduate studies, ranging from laboratory & workshop intensive courses like Engineering, Information Technology & Bio Technology to new age disciplines like Management studies and Foreign languages.
A pioneering team of philanthropic and enlightened individuals, led by Shri Ganpatbhai Patel, Shri Anilbhai Patel, and like minded leaders came forward to transform the dream of bringing modern education within the easy reach of the young generation into reality. Owing to their herculean efforts and committed dedication, Ganpat University has grown into a leading multi-disciplinary university in the Gujarat state attracting students from not only the country, but also from across the GCC and the rest of the Middle East and Africa region.
Since its inception, Ganpat University has a thriving alumni base of alumni students most of whom have gone on to pursue their further studies at leading universities across the world while others have joined the corporate sector in India and are making a positive impact at their workplace and to the society at large.

Contact US

Shri C. D. Jadeja
Email :
HR Division
HR Officer
Email : ,
Ganpat University
Ganpat Vidyanagar,
Mehsana-Gozaria Highway,
Mehsana - 384012, Gujarat, INDIA
Tele Fax : +91-2762-286080, 286924
Toll Free No :180023312345
Email :  

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