Gujarat University, Ahmedabad Contact details & address

Brief History

The Gujarat University was conceived in the nineteen twenties in the minds of public-spirited and learned men like Gandhiji, Sardar Patel, Acharya Anandshankar B. Dhruva, Dada Saheb Mavlankar, Kasturbhai Lalbhai and many others. However, the University could come into existence only after the achievement of independence.In 1949, the University was incorporated under the Gujarat University Act of the State Government ‘as a teaching and affiliating University.’  This was done as a measure of decentralisation and reorganization of University education in the then Province of Bombay.
      During the course of its life of more than five decades, the University has seen the establishment of seven more Universities which were carved out of the jurisdiction of the Gujarat University, viz., Sardar Patel UniversitySaurashtra UniversityBhavnagar University,South Gujarat UniversityGujarat Ayurveda UniversityGujarat Agricultural University and North Gujarat University.   Even then, the Gujarat University is the largest university in the state catering to the needs of higher education of more than two lakh students scattered over 235 colleges, 15 recognised institutions and 24 approved institutions. There are 34 Post-Graduate Universitydepartments and 221 P.G. Centres.
      Gujarat University is an affiliating University at the under-graduate level, while it is a teaching one at the post-graduate level. Indeed, the responsibility for post-graduate instruction has been statutorily given to the University, and accordingly it has evolved a plan of co-ordinated instruction under the direct control and supervision of the University so as to ensure efficient and diversified instruction.  An important feature of this University is the system of external examinations in the Faculties of Arts and Commerce, both and under-graduate and post-graduate levels. The external examinations were introduced with a view to enabling working students and the others who could not afford the high cost of university education to realize their dream.
      Gujarat University has developed phenomenally in the last 57 years to be recognized as a premier University in the country today. It provides education in one of the widest range of disciplines to about two lakh students.

Contact Us

  • Gujarat University address
Gujarat University,
Ahmedabad – 380 009.
Ph : +91-079-26301341, 26300342/43
Fax : +91-079-26302654

  • Mailing address
Office of the Gujarat University,
Post Box No. 4010,
Ahmedabad – 380 009. (India)

  • Working Hours
The working hours of the various offices of the University are from 10.30 a.m. to 6.10 p.m. The offices are closed for lunch during 2.30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. All the administrative offices are closed Sunday, 2nd  and 4th Saturday and other public holidays, but the timings for submitting application forms, payment of fees etc. and other such public interaction,  depends on respective department.  

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