Indus International University address & details

About IIU

IIU has been established by the Indus International University(Establishment and Regulation) Act,2009, with the right to confer degree as per sections 2f and 22 of the UGC Act 1956.

IIU is sponsored by Kartha Education Society (Mumbai) with its mission being to provide quality education & research opportunities in under represented areas which haven't been served by the traditional public universities. Kartha Education Society (Mumbai) has been active in the field of education having run colleges, schools & other institutions for the past 15 years.

IIU has been set up as a non profit institution with its primary objective being to provide access to educational opportunities in various subject areas to students in rural india wherein students traditionally have had to travel to the other cities wherein the major public universities have been housed.

Vision and Mission

Vision Statement
The Indus International University will be recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in providing innovative educational opportunities for learners within the global society.

Mission Statement
The Mission of the Indus International University is to provide a high quality, contemporary world class undergraduate and post graduate education to its students and produce graduates who will be well prepared for a globally interdependent but culturally diverse society and be leaders in their respective professions

Sponsoring body – Kartha Education Society 
IIU is supported by Kartha Education Society, a not for profit society which has been active in the field of education having run colleges, schools & other educational institutions for the past 15 years.


Indus International University ,
VPO Bathu, Tehsil Haroli, District UNA,
Himachal Pradesh
For Enquiry:
+91 9318797101/2/3
SMS"IIU" to 56677 for the more details
Location Map:

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