Veer Kunwar Singh University,

My best wishes to all the users of this website. We are trying to make it more and more user friendly

The challenges to our higher education system, particularly the Universities are to carve out a path and a strategy for themselves so that they can be effective instruments in the process of transformation of this country. Simply producing employable graduates is not enough. Creation of new knowledge and innovative mind should be the focus of higher educational system

The new website of our university aims to make information sharing even more quick and effective. Designed with the purpose of making the University processes as transparent as possible, it aims to provide up to date information relating to colleges, departments, libraries and administration. You will find information on courses, on our research programmes, on how we operate, and how we have aimed to improve teaching and research standards as also provide better facilities for the University community. The website provides information on the achievements of our faculty members and their research interests.  The easy to navigate homepage provides links to upcoming workshops, events, conferences and lectures being held across the University as well. Time to time the website will display achievements of the University. 
The University is in formative stage. The university is in process of collaborating with foreign universities for development and popularization of the Bhojpuri Language. Jagjivan Ram Chair, Academic Staff College, Department of distance Education and an advanced computer center are matter of our immediate attention. The proposed website will continuously update you all on the developments taking place in the University.
I hope you will enjoy using the website and utilize the information available on it in a productive way.

Contact US
DesignationNamePhone NoMoble NoE-mail ID
ProfessorMr. uhiabsiw gmlmnosisample@email.tst
Associate ProfessorMr. gojdajux evbucvnssample@email.tst
Assistant ProfessorMr. grvidnoo ubrkiwfxsample@email.tst
ReaderMr. odquhujl icuyvrigsample@email.tst
LecturerMr. bjfuliir mxyyiedasample@email.tst
ProctorfalseMr. vnbpbxbm gmjrmbqvsample@email.tst
Vice ChancellorDr. Kumaresh Prasad Singh06182-2329113
Vice ChancellorMr. sywrnift ikagooxxsample@email.tst
Pro - Vice ChancellorMr. rwwbstmq ncuuunxisample@email.tst
Registrar & PIOMr. ydhgvgsm tqfsmgxksample@email.tst
Registrar & PIODr. Manoj Kumar01822392099835026599
Finance OfficerShri Arun Kumar Sinha06182-2391229431879460
Finance OfficerMr. oxhylcmk yccugpiisample@email.tst
Financial AdvisorAinul Haque06182-2337358877565592
Professor & HeadProf. (Dr.) Dhyanendra
C.C.D.C.Dr. Samir Kumar Verma9835274212
ProctorDr. Ram Janam Sharma9835676913
Dean, Faculty of ScienceProf. Dr. Ram Tawakya
Dean, Faculty of Social ScienceDr B. N. Chaudhry
Dean, Faculty of HumanitiesDr. Kumud Nath Jha06182-2323609631002331
Dean, Students WelfareDR Akshayabar Singh9304559646
Dean, Faculty of CommerceDr. Vijay Kumar
INSP. of Colleges(Arts & Comm)Shri Baleshewar Paswan9334211723
Examination ControllerDr. Anwar Imam09430034124, 09931849160
INSP. of Colleges(Science)Dr. Chandra Shekhar
Co-ordinator N.S.S.Dr. Prasunjay Kumar Sinha9835215472
Coordinator D.D.EDr. Jawahar
Law OfficerDr. Mithilesh Kumar Pandey9334252633
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