Saurastra University, Rajkot Contact details & address

With great pleasure and pride , I warmly extend my heartiest greetings to all the students, teaching, non-teaching staff and well wishers of Saurashtra University. Established on 23rdMay 1967, Saurashtra University is one of the largest affiliated state universities of Gujarat. Devoted to the graduate and post-graduate studies and widely known for its excellence in innovative practices , research developments and good governance , Saurashtra University is forerunner in the Gujarat state in introducing the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) programme at both graduate and post-graduate level from the academic year 2010-11.Saurashtra University has implemented almost all the new education polices and reforms recommended by UGC in higher education, leading to the improvement in quality of education and socio-economic growth of the stake holders. To add a feather in the cap, we have started initiative to encourage the interdisciplinary research among all the subject areas. This interdisciplinary framework of research will incubate new idea with global significance resulting in meaningful sustainable development.

India is taking giant strides forward and universities will have to contribute to keep the momentum going. Universities help a nation in giving it economic vitality, scientific prowess, abroad outline of social change and global competitiveness, through innovation and research. Jawaharlal Nehru rightly said “ all is well with a nation, it its universities are in good shape and functional.” I wish that Saurashtra University leads by an example in present scenario. An ardent effort is being made to facilitate a multidimensional growth of the young students who are the main pillars of this holy place for higher education. By providing the necessary infrastructure and support to the learned faculty members of the university and colleges, I wish to take Saurashtra University to new heights in the higher education fraternity in India.
I  would welcome feedback from you, particularly , your response to some of the new developments in our university. This would help me in taking appropriate steps at my end.
I wish you a very happy and productive future.

Contact Us

Saurashtra University address

Saurashtra University,
Saurashtra University Campus
Rajkot - 360 005.
Gujarat, India.
Website :
Main Administrative EPABX :

Phone : (0281)-2578501/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12
Fax       : (0281)-2586983
Examination :

Controller of Examination,
Phone : (0281)-2576511, 2576030/40/50
Fax       : (0281)-2586411
Registrar Office :

The Registrar,
Phone : (0281)-2576347
Fax       : (0281)-2576347

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