YMCA University of Science and Technology

Background History

The YMCA University of Science and Technology, Faridabad erstwhile YMCA Institute Of Engineering, Faridabad was established in the year 1969, as a joint venture of the National Council Of YMCAs of India, Govt of Haryana, and the Central Agencies for Development Aid, Bonn, Germany. It started as an Indo-German project with an aim to impart technical education to a developing India on German pattern.

The labs & workshops have been setup with the assistance of German expertise. In 1996, State Govt. of Haryana took complete control of the Institute and upgraded it to university status in Dec. 2009. The university offers 4-year B.Tech degree course in six disciplines i.e
  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Electronics & Instrumentation Control
  • Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
The university has added four new chapters in it’s glorious history i.e M.C.A, M.Tech. (Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering), M.Sc. (Physics & Maths) and Ph.D.

It follows it’s course curriculum duly approved by the industries and the university. The salient features of German education have been retained & as such the university stands apart from other colleges of Haryana.

Right from the very beginning at institutional level, it has emphasized greatly on practical work related to industry. As a result our students are well accepted by the industries. The fact that many of them are entrepreneur with names of repute at national and international level establishes the same.

The University is situated on National Highway-2, Mathura Road, 30 km from National Capital, Delhi. The University campus is located in the sprawling Faridabad-Ballabgarh Industrial complex.

The students are admitted to university strictly on the basis of their merit in the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE), conducted under the administrative control of Department Of Technical Education, Haryana. In fact, the university is the most sought after among the top rankers.

The sophisticated equipments/machines in the workshops and laboratories enable the students to operate various machines independently so as to acquire thorough knowledge and develop competence in their respective skills.


  • To promote academic growth by offering high quality UG, PG and Doctoral programmes.
  • To develop the potential of human resources to meet the requirements of cutting edge technology.
  • To instill discipline in students and make them technologically superior and ethically strong.
  • To provide service to the community and weaker sections of the society.

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