Established under the Himachal Pradesh Private University (Establishment & Regulation) Act 2006 & Himachal Pradesh Government 3 of 2009, with the right to confer degree as per the UGC public notice on private Universities dated April 18, 2011. |
Eternal University Foundation Stone by the Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister
The great visionary of 20th century (Sant Attar Singh Ji) had a vision that modern scientific education alone will not serve the humanity well, until and unless it is amalgamated with Braham Vidya (Spiritual Education). The graduates of this unique education system will not only be outstanding in academics, but also will have high moral values (i.e. they will have love for humanity, compassion for the weak and the underdog, and sense of selfless service for the community). These graduates will work towards establishing permanent peace in the world. They will act as Ambassadors of Peace wherever they live, work and raise their families.
With this vision in mind, Sant Attar Singh Ji sent his devotee; Principal Teja Singh Ji ((M.A., LL.B) abroad in 1906, to get the best possible modern education available at that time. Principal Teja Singh went abroad and first studied at Cambridge University (U.K) and then at the world famous Teachers College, Columbia University (USA) and finally went to Harvard University, Boston, USA where he completed his M.A. degree.

Inauguration of Akal College of Engineering and Technology
| | On his return, Sant Attar Singh Ji gave Principal Teja Singh a "good grounding" in Braham Vidya and trained him to carry forward his mission of creating special breed of Akal Scholars with high moral values. Sant Attar Singh Ji also directed Principal Teja Singh to find a "Tapo Bhumi" in Himalayan mountains, where Rishis, Munis and saints had done Tapasya (meditation) in the past and gave him (Principal Teja Singh) the visual description of the place, resembling "BARU SAHIB". |
On finding this place (now called Baru Sahib) Sant Teja Singh Ji established The Kalgidhar Trust in 1956 to carry out the mission of Sant Attar Singh Ji.
Sant Teja Singh Ji also established a small place of worship at Baru Village and performed ardas to the almighty God (Waheguru) that an Institution of higher learning may be granted here (as vision and wishes of Sant Attar Singh Ji). Thus, conceptual and spiritual foundation of Eternal University was laid at Baru Sahib, that day.
Before leaving this mortal world, Sant Teja Singh Ji designated Baba Iqbal Singh ji (Baba ji) (Retired Director of Agriculture from Himachal Pradesh and present President of The Kalgidhar Trust) to carry forward the Mission. He started the AKAL ACADEMY at Baru Sahib (a prelude to Eternal University) in 1986 with 5 students, which has now grown to a formidable strength of approximately 1500 students and 200 of them hail from 16 foreign countries - with 100 students from USA alone. It is a 10+2 Residential School.

Eternal University Esablishment Ardaas
| | Akal Academy at Baru Sahib also has 71 sister Akal Academies spread over five States (i.e Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh). All these academies are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The total number of students in these Akal Academies are now around 30,000 and 40% of these students are girls. Approximately 20% of the total student body is studying totally free of cost. These students are either orphans or belonging to poor and under-privileged rural families. |
All these Academies are located in rural areas. These academies have established an outstanding academic standard. Additional 130 such academies are also planned for the next three years, again in the rural areas with estimated future enrollment of more than 1,50,000 students.
The Kalgidhar Trust runs 200-bed Akal Charity Hospital at Baru Sahib. It also manages an orphanage, a senior-citizens' home, a widow home and a homeless women's home. All of these charity organizations are located at Baru Sahib and run without incurring any cost to the residents. The Kalgidhar Trust is also engaged in several other welfare projects for women empowerment and vocational training to children in the rural areas.
On July 3, 2006, His Holiness Baba Iqbal Singh ji (President of The Kalgidhar Trust) performed ardas to Waheguru for granting the establishment of Eternal University at Baru Sahib, which is considered equivalent to laying the foundation stone in the worldly sense.
Akal College of Engineering and Technology Niv Pathar Ardass
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This event commemorated the 100th anniversary of opening the first school for girls at village Mastuana (district Sangrur) in 1906 by Sant Attar Singh Ji, 50th anniversary of establishing The Kalgidhar Trust at Baru Sahib in 1956 by Sant Teja Singh Ji, and 20th Anniversary of the opening of first Akal Academy at Baru Sahib in 1986 by Baba Iqbal Singh ji (Baba ji). This, in a nutshell, is the historical development of the "Educational Mission" of Sant Attar Singh Ji, which spans over a century.
The network of 72 Akal Academies, now in operation under the mission of creating permanent peace in the world through a unique system of education, has established itself (in a short period of 20 years) as an outstanding "High School Network", which has become an outstanding brand in the country with high academic standards, producing exemplary students and global citizens with a vision of "Universal Brotherhood of Mankind".
The Kalgidhar Trust is a complete non-profit organization and Eternal University is run as a non- profit organization as well.
Contact us
Mailing Address: Eternal University, Baru Sahib, Via Rajgarh, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh-173101
E-mail queries | : | |
Akal College of Engineering and Technology
Mobile | : | 09816400641,9805098724,9805098720 |
Landline Phone | : | 01799-276012 |
Fax | : | 01799-276006 |
Akal College of Post Graduate Studies
Mobile | : | 09816400641, 09805098724,9816400545 |
Landline Phone | : | 01799-276012 |
Fax | : | 01799-276006 |
Akal College of Nursing
Mobile | : | 09816400641,09816441158 |
Landline Phone | : | 01799-276025 |
Fax | : | 01799-276006 |
Akal College of Divine Music and Spiritualism
Mobile | : | 09816400641,09816400543,09805098724 |
Landline Phone | : | 01799-276031, 01799-276071 |
Fax | : | 01799-276004 |
Akal College of Arts and Sciences and other University Schools
Mobile | : | 09816400641,09805098726,09816956054 |
Landline Phone | : | 01799-276012 |
Fax | : | 01799-276006 |