Himachal Pradesh Technical University address & details


Our vision is of autonomous Himachal Pradesh Technical University as dynamic, flexible institution promoting oriented research led inter disciplinary learner-centric technical education, and generates added value in teaching-learning, research, and knowledge transfer required for promoting integrated national development and global understanding.


The mission of the Himachal Pradesh Technical University is to create human knowledge with excellence and benefit society through research integrated with technical education. We investigate the most challenging, fundamental problems in science, technology and management in the multi collegial, interdisciplinary atmosphere, while educating outstanding students to become creative members of society.

Contact Us

Himachal Pradesh Technical University,
Camp Office:  Government Polytechnic, Gandhi Chowk, Hamirpur, District Hamirpur (H.P.)

Name of Officers/OfficialsDesignationTelephone Numbers
OfficeResidenceMobile No.
Prof. Shashi Kumar DhimanVice-Chancellor01972-224152 01972-224150 (fax)01972-218152 
Sh. Anil Kumar ThakurP.A. to V.C.01972-224152 01972-224150 (fax) 94-180-41269
Sh. Manoj Kumar, H.A.S.Registrar01972-22415301972-218024 
Sh. Kabul SinghP.A. to Registrar01972-224153 94-592-45026
Dr. Pardeep KumarDean01972-224180  
Ms Indira ThakurSteno Typist01972-224180 94-189-64081
Sh. Surender ChandelFinance Officer01972-218524 94-186-00842
Sh. B.L. VermaAsstt. Registrar (Admn.)01972-218524 94-180-26180
Sh. Dinesh AcharyaAsstt. Registrar (Conduct & Exam.)01972-224159 (telefax)01972-22265094-184-82650
Sh. Gian Chand JamwalAsstt. Registrar (Exam.)01972-224159 96-252-39893

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